Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Multi-media PAR projects

Here's a strong in-depth look at the Milwaukee Courthouse - with some multi-media.

Here is a link to a crime map from the Baltimore Sun.

Here is a link to what is called the top 50 multi-media projects in 2010.

Here is a link to multi-media guru Mindy McAdams's blog with examples.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fifth in-class writing

In-Class Writing Five: Courts

Review the federal grand jury indictment against Raymond M. Martin. Martin, 46, is a resident of Junction, Illinois. It is available here.

Please note that Martin was the sheriff of Gallatin County in Illinois at the time of the alleged crimes.

Write a brief (6-8 paragraphs) that will run in tomorrow’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Please double space and use 12 point font.

Please bring to class on Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Binter document.

Hello. Here is a link to the story based on the Bitner document. Granted, you did not know about his political background but note the translation and writing style.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Civil Courts

Civil Courts

Here are the records for Seminole County foreclosures. Here is foreclosure process.

Here is Orange County foreclosure information.

Here is information about purchasing Orange County Court records.